Friday, September 21, 2007

Net etiquette part 02

A few style basics:

This is a normal tone of voice.


This is placing EMPHASIS on one particular WORD OR PHRASE.

This is >more emphasised text<

Don't write your message all in capitals, as it can be a bit grating if you imagine that the person is shouting all the time.

Net etiquette part 01

Net etiquette, or "Netiquette" is the term used to describe acceptable behaviour on the Internet, be it in regards to email, news, mailing lists or whatever. It also includes the types of symbols and information used to convey emotion and body language, which is obviously lacking in a text-only communication medium.

Even handwriting can say a lot about a person, but with typed messages, it's much harder to get a sense of how an individual feels as a person (except, of course, whether or not they can touch type and spell!).

General behaviour

Email can be just like a normal conversation - chatty and social talk with friends and family, professional discussion, question-and-answer and sometimes will include conversations with a stranger. Think of how you would normally conduct a conversation or write a letter; those same rules apply here, but sometimes extra care must be taken to express your thoughts and intentions clearly.

Without the benefits of body language and social signals that come from having a face-to-face conversation it can be easy to just type a string of insults and invective directed against someone, which is not the sort of thing that most of us would do in a normal conversation. Having this sort of freedom on-line can be liberating, but it can also have its consequences. Defamation, slander, verbal assault and harassment are all things which can be transmitted through email. Use your judgement.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Snap SHOt

Snap Shot, mau masang di blog atau web gampang aja caranya
#1. masuk ke web ini
#2. pilih warna yang disukai
#3. boleh juga masukan logo, klik aja browse. Lalu pilih pic yg disukai dari kompi kamu
#4. mau berbahasa Indonesia atau bahasa lainnya, klik tab Advanced dibawahnya
#5. Pilih ukuran Choose Snap Shots Size sesuai keinginan
#6. Abis itu klik continue
#7. Masukan alamat blog atau web, kamu juga diminta untuk memasukan alamat email nah kalau suka tulis aja ngak ada salahnya
#8. Abis selesai klik Continue, dan klik install add widget
#9. kamu akan diminta tuk login ke blog kamu, abis itu ada aja element..dah selesai. sekarang blog kamu dah dilengkapi ama widgwt snap shot...nyameiiii

Menampilkan Topik/label

Untuk menampilkan topik/atau label yang kita buat, ikuti langkah berikut ini:
#1. Di dashboard, Klik Template
#3. Pilih element LABEL
#4. Tuliskan judulnya, secara default akan tertulis "Labels", anda bisa menggantinya misalkan dengan kata "TOPIK".
#5. Kemudian klik add to blog
#6. Yang terpenting anda harus mensave setiap perubahan, klik SAVE.